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- DOT(WA) holds monthly meetings on the first Friday of the month (except in January) at the State Child Development Centre, 16 Rheola Street, West Perth – upstairs in the conference room at the end of the corridor. Telehealth videoconferencing facilities are available.
- 9-10am Professional Development
- 10-11am Business Meeting
- Membership benefits include being on the email list for networking and sharing of information, a discounted price for training events run by DOT(WA), access to the library, eligibility for research/ clinical project grants and being on the DOT (WA) Inc PRIVATE PRACTITIONER LIST.
- The organisation is run by a voluntary Executive Committee. For further information contact [email protected]
- DOT(WA) holds monthly meetings on the first Friday of the month (except in January) at the State Child Development Centre, 16 Rheola Street, West Perth – upstairs in the conference room at the end of the corridor. Telehealth videoconferencing facilities are available.
IMPORTANT: If you are not currently advertised on the DOT WA Private Practitioner List and would like to add yourself or modify the current details, please complete this form. Please note we ask that each practice is only listed once and all DOT(WA) members working at that practice are included on that listing.